I figured that it was way past time to post my pics from sewing with sis. I wanted to make a reversible messenger bag. I found the top wild fabric on sale at Hobby Lobby a few months ago and fell in love with it. I wasn't sure what I wanted to make out of it but I knew that I had to have it. So after staring at it non-stop I finally decided that I would use it to make my bag. My sister and I have the worst habit of getting together and then not doing really anything-We always say that we are going to do something FUN and GREAT but then it never happens. So we decided weeks in advance that we would have a plan of action and actually follow through and the bag idea was born.
I had a vision in my head-Unfortunately it didn't end up being as easy as I had hoped it would be. The getting it together was fine. Alittle too big so I will have to alter it one day-Knowing me 10 years from now :)
The strap is what I had a time with and I truely HATE it-So needless to say the bag has been hanging in my closet since. Fingers crossed over Christmas Break I will fix it into something that I will really LOVE and start to use.
Here is my sis hard at work. She put quite a bit more into hers-Which totally explains why hers turned out so great. I ended up getting frustrated and quiting before I was completely done with mine.
Ahhh-My pretty Christmas tree :) I have lived in a really small house for the last few years so I bought a small tree a few years ago. I was really excited that this year I actually have room for my big tree and my small tree. Yes-I put up both :) The picture of the small one didn't turn out. I know this picture isn't the greatest (It looks way better in person) But you get the idea. I will try again later. (Maybe)
Only Two weeks left of my class-YIPPEEE!!! This has felt like forever-Fingers crossed that I make atleast a C :)
Until next time-I am out!! Happy week to everyone :)