Hey everyone! Welcome to part two of my quilting tutorial. This is the part where we get to sewin'. When I left off last time we had a whole bunch of 4 1/2" strips of blue, green, and tan fabrics.
Just a small side note - I changed up the size of my quilt a little bit. I decided to do more of an over sized snuggle quilt instead of a twin sized one. That makes the quilt I am working on five squares by six squares (64" x 73") instead of five by seven. So, I will have five squares left over in the end. Who knows, maybe I will make a matching tote.
P2 Step 1 - Match up the green strips with the blue and tan strips until they are all matched. Then sew them together on the long side. Make sure you are using 1/4" seam allowance. Once you have them all sewn together press them open to the blue/tan side. This means you iron them with the blue/tan side up then press the fabrics open.
Now that you have the seams pressed open cut your 4 1/2" rectangles. You should be able to cut nine rectangles from each sewn strip of fabric. I cut 52 blue/green rectangles and 30 brown/green ones. If you are sticking with the original size quilt then you will need 59 blue/green rectangles and 35 brown/green ones. You should still have your two extra blue squares and two extra green squares. We aren't ready to use those yet.
Match up the rctangles as shown and sew together (remember your 1/4" seam allowance). You will have more blue/green rectangles than brown/green ones. Just set those aside. DO NOT sew them together.
Once you have all your squares sewn together you will need to press them open. It doesn't matter which way you press them. I like to be consistent and press them all the same way. Once you have them all pressed open then you need to square them up. Thankfully this quilt isn't really complicated so it won't make a huge difference if your squares aren't exactly 8 1/2" square. Just make sure that they are all equal and square. For example, if you smallest square ends up being 8 1/4" then make them all 8 1/4" square.
If you remember from last time I haven't cut my background fabric yet. I laid out a few pieces to get an idea of what my quilt is looking like so far. I decided to make my strips a little wider than the inch thick I thought originally.
I am going to go 1 1/2" wide instead so I need to cut 2" strips from my background fabric after cutting my 4" border fabric. One small problem? I don't have enough background fabric. I should have purchased 1 3/4 yards instead of 1 1/2 yards. I guess I would have had enough if I would quit changing my mind. Oh well, I cut what I had. I cut 6 - 4" strips (or 7 if you stick with the twin size), and I need 17 - 2" strips (or 21) cut into 8 1/2" rectangles.
I will start sewing with what I have and go back to Joann's sometime this week to pick up the remaining background fabric.
Next up we start piecing our quilt top together and sewing.