Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Believe it or not I am HERE :)

Hello Everyone!!! I have missed you all :)
I know it has been a really, really (times like a million) long time since I have been here. I have no excuses-at least not any good ones. I think that I let life keep me too busy and unmotivated.

I am not sure if this will be the start of regular posts by me again or not-But I am here now and that's what matters right? My poor sis has tried to keep this thing going on her own for awhile-Sorry sis :(

This past week the boys went back to school. This is always a very sad day for me. They always seem to grow older so much faster when school is in. Here is a picture of my handsome boys on the first day. I am so very lucky to have them in my life :) Hopefully they will not forget their mom once they are all grown up.

We had a really good weekend. My husband went deep fishing with some buds of his, so my babies and I had a nice laid back weekend enjoying each others company. I decided to try to get alittle crafty. It has been so long I wasn't sure if I still had it in me-Just Kidding :) I have a pair of shoes that I have been wanting to redo for awhile now, so I figured why not? I LOVE the wedge on these but I do not like the patent leather look. It reminds me of the shiny Mary Janes I used to wear as a kid.

I went to Wal Mart and bought some cheapo ribbon and pulled out the handy dandy glue gun. I was going to wrap the ribbon around the straps and soon learned that was way too much work. So I just glued the strips of ribbon on the straps and I think it looks a lot better. If I were to change one thing though I would have used a different kind of glue. Using a glue gun on this was a really BIG pain in the booty. I love the way that it turned out so I am not complaining. I thought that I would try to get "fancy" so I made a Korker bow to stick on it. I think that I will make more of these-I just love the way that they look and they are sooo easy to make.

So what do you think? Long Korker bow or short and fluffy? I think that it looks cute both ways but I ended up with neither. My son told the bow was ghetto and my goofy butt listened to him.

I read several different blogs and I found this really easy and amazing recipe for Smores Brownies. I am sorry I can not remember which blog it was.

I used a brownie mix from the store and mixed it up following the directions on the box. Pour half of the mix into a greased pan. Lay graham crackers covering the brownie mix, then chocolate bars (I used chocolate chips) and cover with small marshmallows. Pour remaining half of brownie mix on top and cook according to brownie mix instructions. These are too die for. Make sure to eat them warm because they taste way better that way. This pictures does not capture their complete goodness.

Have a great rest of the week!! And hip hip HOORAYYY this weekend is a 3-day one!

Lesley =)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Almost finished!

Afternoon everyone! I made a promise and now I am here to deliver. I feel bad writing a tutorial now that I have realized just how many mistakes I have made on this quilt. If you look really closely you will probably see some. I thought about selling this quilt once it was finished, but I don't know that I can accept money for what I think is a sub-par quilt. I guess I will keep it and add it to my vast collection of blankets. My husband says you can never have too many blankets, but I have to disagree. If the whole world froze over and I loaned out blankets to all my neighbors I would still have enough cover all my beds three times over.

Enough of that. On to Step three-ish.

Last I left you we had just finished our four squares.

Now we cut 8 1/2" rectangles from our 2" strips of white and sew them to the tops of our four squares. Once that is done we press them open. I always press to the side without seams which in this case is the white. Normally you would press toward the darker fabric. After you press them you trim them so they are all square (or rectangle).

Then you sew them all into one long strip and press. You want to trim the strip to make sure it is straight. To save time and trouble I folded my strip over twice, lining up my seams, and trimmed each side.

Next you sew two of your 2" white strips together on the short side so you have one REALLY long 2" wide strip. You will need to do this two more times so you have six long 2" wide strips. Sew one strip to each side of your four square strip.

I started one strip from the opposite end of the other so the small seams in the white strips do not line up.

Press, trim your ends, and sew the other four square strips to your white strips. Pay close attention that all your squares are going the right direction. Press.

Then you sew one 4" wide strip to the top and one to the bottom (And again, press). You should be left with four 4" wide strips. Sew two to each other to make two really long 4" strips. Then sew those to the sides. I alternated ends again so the seams in the white fabric don't line up with each other. Your quilt top is finished!

Now comes the fun part. The sandwiching, quilting, and binding step. I am being sarcastic. The quilting part is the part I hate most. You will see why when you get to that step. I have started the final step but I won't be able to finish for awhile so don't hate me if it takes a couple of weeks to finish this up.
In the meantime you can play a riveting game of "Spot the Mistakes".

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I'm sorry guys. I have completed the next step on the quilt I am working on and even started on the step after that but I can't seem to remember my camera so I can blog about it. Again, I'm sorry. I even started ANOTHER quilt (because I have a serious problem that I should probably seek counseling for) that I took pictures of. And then yesterday I started ANOTHER project. Fortunately the third project has nothing to do with quilting or sewing.

I make a promise to our 11 followers that "I, Carey, do solemnly swear that I will bring my camera to work this week so I can upload the photos and share my project progress with anyone who cares to read this blog". For reals.