Thursday, February 28, 2013

Harry Potter themed birthday party

In three months I will be throwing my son's first birthday party and I decided on a Harry Potter themed party. It is quickly getting out of hand since I'm such a huge HP fan. I started working on the party favors pretty early (think November and the party is in June). I'm glad I did cause it helped me to save a lot of money and work at a pretty slow pace. I am going to break each party favor up into its own post so this is going to be a series of posts.

First up I made house scarves. I know a scarf is out of season for a June party, but they were the easiest and I figured kids would re-use a scarf before they would a tie.

I bought fleece on sale at Joann's and iron on patches online.

Then I cut the fleece into 5" wide strips making a 5" x 42" scarf. I recommend cutting the selvages off before cutting because they caused the fleece to bunch up on the end. Or maybe that was because I bought cheap fleece.

Then I cut tassels on the ends of the scarves. My tassels are 4" long and 1/2" wide.

If your fleece is like mine then there should be a fluffier side and a not-as-fluffy side. I ironed my patches on the not-as-fluffy side by putting the patch face down (with the backing facing up) and laying the scarf on top of it. I used the lines on my ironing board to make sure the patch was centered on the scarf and I positioned the patch approx. 10" from the end. To get this measurement I put on a scarf and measured when the patch would look best.

When ironing onto fleece you can't put the iron directly onto the fleece. Get a thick cotton fabric or shirt to put on top of the fleece. If you put the iron directly onto the fleece then you will mess it up. Make sure your iron is on a steam setting then run it over the patch area for about 15-20 seconds while you have a good amount of steam coming out of the iron.

And voila!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Homemade Finger Paints

A little while ago I mentioned trying to make my own finger paints. Well, today I finally did. If you remember I was going to try two different recipes, one from TLC and one from Easie Peasie (see my previous post for the links cause I'm feeling a bit lazy right now and don't want to look them up). My final results are still pending (see my final results at the end of the post below), but I can give you some preliminary results.

First, Easie Peasie was way too thick.


In order to get the green mixed I had to use a spoon. It ended up being the consistency of semi-cooled wax.

Next, I didn't cook the first batch of the TLC long enough so it was a bit on the watery side. However it was very easy to mix the food coloring in.

I turned off the heat when the mixture was the consistency of glue and that was too soon. So, I tried again and I think the consistency was a bit better, but you do need a spoon to completely mix in the coloring. Or maybe just not fill the jar as full as I did so it will shake better. I am going to update this in a week or two when I can comment on the mold issue that some people mentioned on the Easie Peasie blog. Here's the recipe I used and some notes to help make it easier for you.

3 tablespoons of sugar
1/3 cup cornstarch
2 cups water
1/4 cup dish soap
food coloring

Mix the sugar and cornstarch in a saucepan and slowly add water stirring until the dry ingredients are completely dissolved. Cook on low, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Continue for another minute until the mixture resembles a whitish gel (remove from heat if mixture starts to bubble). Slowly stir in the dish soap and remove from heat. When cool enough to handle, spoon into jars and add food coloring.

Here is what my last batch looked like just after the soap went in.

I might have cooked it a few seconds too long, but it still works nicely. This recipe will make five, 3/4 full, 4 ounce baby food jars.

In my first couple batches I used 4-8 drops of food coloring. In my last batch I used 10-12 drops. I think 8-10 drops is probably best. The red and blue painting was using my last batch of finger paints. The yellow and green were from my first couple batches. Side note - Using the dish soap in the recipe makes clean up a breeze.

I hope this helps you guys. I'll make up some more colors and post pictures... Maybe..

** Update - 24 hours later ** The Easie Peasie batch is a semi-solid substance. You can paint with it, but you have to scoop it out. The first batch of TLC paints is even more watery than before. The second batch of TLC paints is perfect (the recipe I posted above). The consistency is nice (like a firm gel) and it paints nicely. I'll update again in a couple weeks.

** Update - Feb 28 ** The finger paints have no mold. Not even a spec. And the consistency has stayed constant. This is the winner recipe!

** Update - April 17th ** The finger paints still have no mold and the consistency is still perfect. I think it's pretty safe to say that this recipe will resist molding so you can make a batch or two in advance and store it for awhile.