Friday, May 28, 2010

3 day WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is Friday and we have a three day weekend!YAA! What could possibly be better? I love this time of year. I love the sunshine and the beautiful colors in nature. I love everything that is Summertime except for the Texas heat-But I have learned to indure. Does everyone have awesome plans for their lovely Memorial day weekend? I have a birthday to celebrate on Saturday my 13 year old is turning 14-They grow up way too fast. My sister and her hubby are coming so that should be fun. You know my sister has come to visit me more since we started this blog I think, than she has ever in our grown up life-Not complaining, just making an observation. Anyways this weekend will probably be busy and hopefully fun too.
For one of our challenges we have decided to take portraits of each other-We are going to dress up and try to get as creative as possible. So grab a partner and any dress up gear you can find and have some fun!!!
As for Challenge #2 this one should be easy. We have chosen shoes. I mean how many of us don't love shoes? I personally own way more than I should or want to admit to-But I love them!! They are way fun to buy!! And lets face it-It would be very difficult to go without them.
So lets all get this weekend started!!! Enjoy the 3 days, get creative and have some fun-We ALL deserve it!!!
We won't be posting results until Tuesday.
Until Then-Enjoy!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Pillow fabrics

Good morning! Actually I think it is afternoon now. Anyway, I didn't do what I was supposed to. I forgot my camera when I went to the beach and I spent all day Sunday running errands. One of the errands I did was to pick up fabrics to make new sofa pillows. I have been meaning to do this for months and have not gotten around to it. To give you a little background on my living room - I have a light greenish colored sofa, I think it is called sage, and I have a dark brown coffe table with a light brown marble inlay. I also have metal stars on the walls and star carvings in the coffee table. Okay, picture my living room in your mind. Now, I wanted to make throw pillows that had a rustic feel to them (like my living room) and I wanted to use a chocolate brown, dark red, and a light tan. I have attached pictures of my fabric selections. The reds are showing up as more of a pink color but in reality they are more red. This kinda falls into the challenge cause I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the 2 patterned fabrics I picked and they have texture. When I get the pillows finished I will take a picture of my new awesome looking living room and post them. This may take a few weeks cause I am still unsure of how I am going to make the pillows. I hope this suffices for now.
Have a great week!

Today is going to be a GREAT day!!!

Happy Monday everyone!!! I am trying to be positive this morning-Today is going to be a great day!! (I will let you know if ends up going the other way) I had a good weekend so I am gonna have a great week.
This weekend was the first weekend in awhile that I was motivated to do something. I actually got outside with the camera and tried to get creative instead of taking pics of the first thing that I saw. I know I have been slacking horribly. It is almost summer so hopefully I won't be slacking anymore-atleast until fall comes :)
For the first challenge I tried to get my kids involved, but they weren't having it. So I had to think of something else that I loved and thought of books. And before anyone asks-Yes it is a picture of one of the Twilight books :) If you haven't read them you really should-Awesome and addictive.
For texture I went outside and saw all kinds of things that I could have used-So I took pictures of everything and picked out these as my favorites.

This one wasn't part of the challenge I just wanted to share it because I really like it. I have all of these beautiful and colorful wildflowers in my yard. I spent hours outside trying to get perfect pictures of all the different kinds of flowers.
I have to say that flowers are my favorite thing to take pictures of-I love all of the rich colors.

I hope everyone has a great week like I know I will.
Until friday I am out!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Let's try a new challenge and see if we can get it done

Okay kiddos, I have slacked BIG TIME in the last couple of weeks. I would try to offer excuses but they would sound weak and I am trying to be a bigger person. Plus, I have to save those excuses for some future date when I slack again cause let's face it, I will slack again. It is the nature of the beast... Or.. Wait... Did I call myself a beast?? Well, maybe a sexy, slackery type beast. What was I talking about?? Oh yeah, this weekend's challenge.

This weekend we are going to tryout love and textures. I have a trip to the beach with some friends and their childrens so I should be able to catch both. I hope.

Good luck everyone and have a fun, safe, lovey, texturey weekend.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Are we slacking or what????

Ok so I talked to my sis on Friday and thought that she was going to post our challenge-But it seems now that was not the case. I know-I know I should of made sure, but that is ok I am sure something came up which made her forget. Anyways no big deal. We had agreed on doing the same as last weekend-eyes and silhouettes. Now here is the shame on me part-I had a very laid back lazy weekend and I never, not once picked up my camera. So even if my sis had posted on Friday I still would of come up empty handed. We are getting very lax on this whole thing-We need to try really hard this week to pull the focus back in and make next weekend the best challenge and result ever.
Hope everyone has a great week!!! And I truely will try to do better next time!!!
Until then I am out,

Monday, May 10, 2010

Eyeballs and Silhouettes!!

Happy Monday to all!!! Everyone will be happy to know that operation closet was a success!! YAAA! I am sooo proud of myself-It only took me two months to complete (serious eyeroll :) )
This was a very fast weekend for me but it was still an okay one and that is what counts-Right?
I hope all the moms had a great and wonderful Mother's Day. Mine was good. But then again I have awesome kids so I wouldn't expect anything different.
I went alittle lazy on the challenges this weekend, but I did complete them. I had hoped to get a lot more creative when I chose these, but time ran away from me and this is what I have ended up with. Still as I look at them I think not too bad, totally could of been worse.

I think I just might continue to play with this. Given the right amount of time and care we could really get some great shots of eyes and silhouettes.

Have a great week!!! All comments and suggestions are welcome!!

Challenge failures

I apologize, my sis came up with an awesome challenge for this past weekend and I didnt have a chance to work on it. Please don't judge me too harshly; I spent 10 hours in a car over a 2 day period.

I think I will try to work on the challenge this week. I can't tonight cause my hubby is playing softball and I have to be the ever-supportive wife and go watch. Perhaps tomorrow night or Wednesday night. I will post my results when I am able.

Have a good week everyone.

Friday, May 7, 2010

It's that time again!!!

Hope everyone has had a great week!!! I have spent the whole week recovering from Sunday's Buzzfest-But it was way worth being tired all week. Aside from being tired and alittle grouchy this has been a really good week. I kinda wish that every week could be like this one. Everything flowed perfectly and there wasn't any crazy stress to worry with. One Tree Hill, Lost and Vampire Diaries were all new episodes what more could I ask for. Now let's hope for that great weekend to go along with the great week and all will be good in the universe.
When thinking about what challenges we would do this weekend I realized that I have my own personal challenge that I really need to complete.
The weekend challenges are:
Challenge #1-Silhouette
Challenge #2-Eyes
I think these will be a lot of fun to do and should be fairly easy to complete.
My personal challenge not so easy. I moved into my new house about 2 months ago and I still have not organized my closet. I have shoes and clothes everywhere. There is a corner in my room that is piled high with stuff that needs to be gone through and put in it's correct place. Anyone that knows me, knows that I own way too many purses and shoes for one person. So please everyone keep your fingers crossed that I can stay motivated and get done what I need to get done. #2 is coming to visit this weekend, maybe I can talk her into helping me-Just kidding sis :)
Until Monday!! Everyone have a Rockin good time!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Buzzfest Pics

Okay, so I am just now getting around to posting my concert pictures. Get off my back already!

You can only bring a point and shoot to Buzzfest so my pictures are awesome or anything, but they are okay. Here are some of my best.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I will apologize right out of the gate. I was off yesterday and now I don't have the cable I need to pull the pictures off my camera. I'm SO sorry. I promise I will post the pictures I took tomorrow.

Since I don't have pictures I will just chit chat about my weekend. My sister and her two older boys came to visit and I had a super-fun time. Did you know that the first Saturday in May is Free Comic Book Day?? I didn't, but thanks to my 'phews I am now a wiser woman. They also got their picture taken with Batman. We traipsed all over the mall on Saturday and hit up Buzzfest on Sunday. We had AWESOME lawn seats for Buzzfest. We were one of the last few to lose our shade. Then about an hour later the sun set and we were back in the shade. Not bad for an outdoor concert. The day was a lot of fun and, as my sis mentioned, the boys got half a dozen signatures. Pretty cool if you ask me. All in all it was a great weekend; Family, fun, and good music. What more can you ask for??

I promise, I will post my pics tomorrow.

Monday, May 3, 2010

BUZZFEST 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday is here again-UGH!!! I was late because the kids missed the bus and I am tired but other than that I am having a good morning so far.

Buzzfest 24 (I believe that is which one it was) was this past weekend-yesterday to be exact. There were 14 bands of that we saw 8. In our defense we had really good lawn spots that we didn't want to lose. We were part of the lucky few that actually were in the shade for most of the day. (If you have ever been to Texas you know that shade is a blessing) So if they weren't on the main stage we didn't see them. We did finally towards the end make our way over the other stage to see Flyleaf but by the time we got over there it was so crowded that you couldn't see anything at all. And truthfully that stage kinda sucked so I am glad that we didn't waste our time or lose our spots earlier in the day.

Here we are waiting for the gates to open.

Meeting the bands and getting autographs was the boys fave part. I don't have that kind of dedication so I sat on my bootie while they went and waited in line all afternoon. Their dedication paid off though, they got to meet everyone that they had wanted to and got quite the collection of signatures.

Of all the bands that we saw I have to say that Three Days Grace was my favorite. They totally rocked the stage and got the crowd going.

All of the bands that we saw were amazing. It was a very entertaining and exhausting day. And lucky me-in my attempt to get us all home at a half way descent time I got pulled over and issued a lovely ticket ARGHHHH!!! Oh well it happens,:( what am I gonna do? (pay it) More pictures to be posted on my flickr account-Hopefully I will get around to doing it sometime soon.
Hope everyone has a great week!! Talk to you later.
Metric, Switchfoot, Deftones, Seether, 30 seconds to Mars, 3 Days Grace, Flyleaf, and a few minutes of Limp Bizkit. I think those are all of the ones we saw-I am too tired to think right now :0 I couldn't even start to try to name the ones we missed right now-maybe later in the week.