Monday, May 3, 2010

BUZZFEST 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday is here again-UGH!!! I was late because the kids missed the bus and I am tired but other than that I am having a good morning so far.

Buzzfest 24 (I believe that is which one it was) was this past weekend-yesterday to be exact. There were 14 bands of that we saw 8. In our defense we had really good lawn spots that we didn't want to lose. We were part of the lucky few that actually were in the shade for most of the day. (If you have ever been to Texas you know that shade is a blessing) So if they weren't on the main stage we didn't see them. We did finally towards the end make our way over the other stage to see Flyleaf but by the time we got over there it was so crowded that you couldn't see anything at all. And truthfully that stage kinda sucked so I am glad that we didn't waste our time or lose our spots earlier in the day.

Here we are waiting for the gates to open.

Meeting the bands and getting autographs was the boys fave part. I don't have that kind of dedication so I sat on my bootie while they went and waited in line all afternoon. Their dedication paid off though, they got to meet everyone that they had wanted to and got quite the collection of signatures.

Of all the bands that we saw I have to say that Three Days Grace was my favorite. They totally rocked the stage and got the crowd going.

All of the bands that we saw were amazing. It was a very entertaining and exhausting day. And lucky me-in my attempt to get us all home at a half way descent time I got pulled over and issued a lovely ticket ARGHHHH!!! Oh well it happens,:( what am I gonna do? (pay it) More pictures to be posted on my flickr account-Hopefully I will get around to doing it sometime soon.
Hope everyone has a great week!! Talk to you later.
Metric, Switchfoot, Deftones, Seether, 30 seconds to Mars, 3 Days Grace, Flyleaf, and a few minutes of Limp Bizkit. I think those are all of the ones we saw-I am too tired to think right now :0 I couldn't even start to try to name the ones we missed right now-maybe later in the week.

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