Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Picture slacking

I know I have really been slacking in the photo department, but I have had a sewing bug for the past few weeks and I am trying to run with it while I can.

I have all but two sofa pillows completed and those two are so close I might as well consider them completed. The quilt I am working on with the sofa pillow scraps is also very near completion. I quilted it last night so all I have left is binding it. I will show all you amateur quilters the final product and give instructions to help you make it. It really is a simple quilt. I had the quilt top completed in just a few hours. I fully expect to have the remaining two pillows and quilt completed by this weekend. You know what that means?? I will have before and after pictures for you on Monday.

I just wanted to let you all know that I am still working on my projects even if I am not posting proof of it.

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