Friday, September 24, 2010

It's the Weekend!!!!!!!!!

Happy Friday!!! Hope everyone had a GREAT week!!! Mine was ok-I feel as if I am coming down with something-Hopefully it is just allergies and will pass very soon. Well-we made it to the weekend-YAAAA!!! I have absolutely positively NO plans this weekend. I take that back I have a small plan-I promised my nine year that we would make a stuffed monster pillow this weekend-which should be quick and easy.
As for our weekend challenge-Be creative!! It doesn't matter what it is-Sewing, cooking, crocheting, painting, organizing etc.... Whatever enters the mind just do it and have atleast alittle FUN while doing it.
We are currently talking about opening a store on Etsy, there are a few things that we need to figure out 1. What are we going to name it? and 2. What in the heck are we going to make and sell? I have a few ideas but have yet to come up with a full blown plan. So if anyone has any ideas that they care to share we would love to hear them. As everyone knows we are serious slackers-So keep reading and watching to see if we can actually make this happen :)
Have a great weekend!!! Talk to you all later

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sorry I suck so bad

Hey guys. I know I haven't posted in a very long time. I haven't really been feeling the photo bug. I have been on the go for several weeks now and when I am super busy I don't like to bring my camera. I know that is a crappy excuse, but when I am busy I just feel more strained when I add the task of taking pictures to the mix.
In an effort to make it up to you I took a couple of pictures on my way home yesterday. I am also going to post a couple of KISS photos. Mine could never come close to my sis's pictures so I am only posting two of my favorites.
The drive home... I really like this first picture. I would love it if the houses weren't there. Stupid houses! I took a second shot after the houses were out of the frame, but the cloud cover was different and less impressive. The last shot is my cemetery picture. I pass by this lonely cross every day on my way home from work. Usually the grass is all grown up around it but they just cut it a couple of days ago.
Now the KISS pictures. As I stated above, my sis's pics of the actual concert are way better than mine. I didn't have my camera so I was stuck using my camera phone. My absolute fav is the first pic. Sorry it is grainy but it was pretty dark at the concert. I love that you can see how crowded the pavilion was and the excitement of the kid in front of me is priceless. The second picture is the cover over the stage while they setup.
Sorry I have been so delayed in posting. I will try to do better.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blah, Blah! It is Monday.

Happy Monday-How is everyone's day so far? It has taken me awhile to get going today. But here I am. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
We went to see KISS and it was a great show.
Opening for them was The Envy-I had never heard of this band before but I really liked them a lot. Enough in fact that I am going to go and download some tunes from them.

Also opening for them was-The Academy Is...

Then it was time for KISS. It was really hot and muggy-typical Texas weather and these guys came out in FULL KISS dress, these guys put on a great show for some old dudes. They performed for like 2 hours, constantly moving and constantly entertaining. I personally could have done without all of the drool that Gene Simmons had everytime he stuck his tongue out. I found it really gross-But I am sure there were plenty of people there that found it totally HOT and I say good for them. Through majority of the performance they kept spitting-About halfway thru I was really starting to feel sorry for the people that were up front by the stage. I guess like my sister pointed out they could just swab the spit and sell it on ebay or something-Which I guess would make the shower worth while. Other than that it was really an AWESOME show and I am very happy that I went. As an added bonus it gave me extra points in the my mom rocks department-And trust me you can NEVER have too many of those points :) I hope everyone enjoys the pictures and I am truely sorry-But I did not get any pictures of Gene Simmons breathing fire or spitting blood-I know I totally suck :(
On a positive note, they said that $1.00 of every ticket sold was given to The Wounded Warrior program and towards the end they came out with a big check for $405,308.00 (I think that is what the total was-If not it was close to this) and I think that is AWESOME!!!

Anyways-Everyone have a great week!!
Until next time, I am out!! :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Friday!!!

Happy Friday everyone!!! This has been a pretty quick week for me. Tonight we are going to go see KISS in concert!!! It is a 3 hour drive UGH!! but it should still be fun once we get there. My boys are very excited. So for this weekend that is our one and only photo challenge-Take pictures of the concert and report back here on Monday (hopefully we can handle something that easy :) Maybe I can talk someone into wearing FULL KISS makeup-that would be an awesome photo op. We shall see!!! Everyone keep your fingers crossed that we have a great time. I hope everyone has a nice, fun, wonderful and completely AWESOME weekend!!
Oh-yeah I started making this purse out of magazines a few weeks ago-Hopefully I will get a chance to finish that and post pictures-It is looking pretty good so far.
Anyways-I'm outta here!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

SURPRISE!!!! I am finally BACK!!!

Hello everyone!!! Did you miss me? Sorry it has been forever since I have been on here-I hope everyone didn't just give up on me :) I have been alittle busy lately-But I totally know that is no excuse, atleast not a very good one anyway. Hopefully we are all doing great and having fun!!

We went to see Paramore last week in The Woodlands. Kadawatha, New Found Glory and Tegan&Sara were the opening acts. I hadn't heard of any of these bands up until this point.

I really liked New Found Glory the most out of all of them. They were really good and freakin hilarious. So if you are looking for something new you should really check them out.

Paramore came on about 9:30 and played until 11:00-I think. They are pretty good live-They talk abit much for my taste-I am more for the music than the silly conversations but that is just me. All in all it was a really great time-The only thing that really sucked was that we had to drive 3 hours home and then get up for work the next day-I am tough and as you can tell I totally survived.

For our challenge from forever ago-I finally went and took some pictures. I didn't spend the time on these that I wanted to but I still got some good ones so I am not complaining. Unfortunately-even though blue is my most fave color in the world, I just couldn't find anything blue that I really wanted to photograph-maybe some other time :)

Happy Tuesday to all-I am super stoked the new season of One Tree Hill starts today!!! And the new season of Vampire Diaries started last week. Don't you just love it when new seasons start-It is always soooo exciting :) I realize these are both teeny bopper shows-I guess in my subconscious I am trying to hold onto to my youth :) Also-I started a new book yesterday called City of Bones or something like that-kinda teeny bopper too (are you seeing a pattern here?) So far it is a really great book-I would recommend it to anyone.
Wow-this has been a really long post-Sorry about that, I had way too much to catch up on.
Enjoy the rest of your week!!!
Until Friday I am out!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Welcome to Friday everyone! We are in the cusp of a 3 day weekend and I am super stoked about it. I have desperately needed a break for ages now. Another awesome plus to my weekend?? My husband is gonna be gone ALL DAY on Saturday. That means a whole day just for meeee. I am going to eat food he doesn't like and drink wine he doesn't like and thoroughly enjoy myself.

Now for our challenges. We didn't want to dampen the holiday mood too much so we picked cemeteries and the color blue. You can put your spin on it or take it literally. It's your choice.

I hope you all have a safe and happy weekend. I think I am gonna get rain so I am psyched about that. I NEED rain.

Have a good weekend and don't work too hard (haha).