Monday, September 20, 2010

Blah, Blah! It is Monday.

Happy Monday-How is everyone's day so far? It has taken me awhile to get going today. But here I am. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
We went to see KISS and it was a great show.
Opening for them was The Envy-I had never heard of this band before but I really liked them a lot. Enough in fact that I am going to go and download some tunes from them.

Also opening for them was-The Academy Is...

Then it was time for KISS. It was really hot and muggy-typical Texas weather and these guys came out in FULL KISS dress, these guys put on a great show for some old dudes. They performed for like 2 hours, constantly moving and constantly entertaining. I personally could have done without all of the drool that Gene Simmons had everytime he stuck his tongue out. I found it really gross-But I am sure there were plenty of people there that found it totally HOT and I say good for them. Through majority of the performance they kept spitting-About halfway thru I was really starting to feel sorry for the people that were up front by the stage. I guess like my sister pointed out they could just swab the spit and sell it on ebay or something-Which I guess would make the shower worth while. Other than that it was really an AWESOME show and I am very happy that I went. As an added bonus it gave me extra points in the my mom rocks department-And trust me you can NEVER have too many of those points :) I hope everyone enjoys the pictures and I am truely sorry-But I did not get any pictures of Gene Simmons breathing fire or spitting blood-I know I totally suck :(
On a positive note, they said that $1.00 of every ticket sold was given to The Wounded Warrior program and towards the end they came out with a big check for $405,308.00 (I think that is what the total was-If not it was close to this) and I think that is AWESOME!!!

Anyways-Everyone have a great week!!
Until next time, I am out!! :)

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