Friday, October 29, 2010


Happy Halloween-2 days early :) !! We have made it to Friday-YAAAA!!!! I must really be a glutten for punishment or I am just a big oh whimp. I decided for some crazy reason that I wanted to go back to school and so I started back this week. I have no idea what I was thinking-Yes, education is great and it would be awesome to make more money but I am starting to feel alittle overwhelmed. I do not know why I thought I could handle a full time job, 3 kids, teaching one of them driver's ed and take a course. Ok maybe I am just wanting to whine a bit. I do feel like I have a lot going on right now and I may go crazy trying but I know that I can handle it. After all I am not a quiter-Atleast that is what I am trying to tell myself :)
Anyways-Enough of my whining:)
I love Halloween-It is always so exciting to me to see all of the creative costumes that people come up with. This year my oldest is the only one that has really mentioned a costume idea, and that kind of makes me sad :( My youngest said that he will dress up in whatever I want him to-So maybe we can get alittle creative with it. We shall see-I will take some pictures of what we end up with. We usually go to the town's get together so the kids can hang out and see their friends. When they were younger (and I was a stay at home mom) I used to plan a sort of family party and that would be our halloween. We would carve pumpkins, eat junk food and watch scary movies. They would get all dressed up and run between our house and their grandparents. Sometimes I really miss days like that-we didn't have to leave the house and we would have a blast.
Have a great weekend-and a happy and safe HALLOWEEN!!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

I crocheted!

Good morning everyone! I had a wonderful weekend and I hope you all did too. I had absolutely no plans so I was able to do whatever I wanted. I chose to work on my afghan or blanket or whatever you would call it. It may not look like much, but considering it is 90" long, I made some pretty good progress. My stripes are going to run lengthwise instead of width wise. I am also doing a lot of color changes, but in another couple of rows my pattern will become clear. If you look closely, I also worked in a new stitch I learned. The white stripe is a half double crochet. YouTube is awesome for new beginners. Thank you sis for pointing that out to me!

One thing I did do this weekend was go horseback riding with my awesome friend from the UK. I haven't rode in a long time and it is nice getting back up on the horse again (ha ha! Pun intended). I hope you guys have a great week and I will post again when I get a bit further on by afghan blanket.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Happy Friday! I hope we all have had a great week. I can not believe how fast this week has been. I was expecting a very long week since my last weekend went by sooo FAST. Last Friday my oldest got his Learner's Permit to drive-so we have spent the week learning to drive. He is currently in driver's ed, which I volunteered to do the parent taught version. When deciding it seemed that this would be easy and not a big deal. Do you know how hard it is to be in the car with your child learning how to drive? It is a very scary thing-Not because they are doing bad but because they are your kid and we as parents try to do everything we can to keep them safe and out of harms way. The first few days we stayed in our neighborhood which doesn't have a lot of traffic so that was easy. There is a highway that runs past my house that is busy at certain times of the day but for the rest of the day pretty calm and quiet-so I decide what the heck lets give it a shot. He is doing great until a car comes up behind us-He gets nervous and I get nervous. I tell him that it is ok, just let them pass so he starts to move out of the way and I realize that his steering isn't all that great and I just see us heading off of the road and I panic-which totally caused him to panic. I don't think that I have ever seen him so scared in all of his 15 years-I felt horrible. We pull over all is well, except he is terrified and never wants to drive again. So we head home and call it a day. He texted all of his friends and told them about how he almost died :) He's alittle overdramatic. The next day I decide to take him to a back road out by our house. He did amazing. He felt so good about it that he decided he wanted to try the highway again-So I gave him a few pointers and on the highway we go-He was wonderful, alert and careful. He still got nervous when cars were behind us, but he would take deep breath and slow down so they could go around us. As much as the previous experience scared the crap out of both of us-I seriously think that it ended up really helping him. When we got home he told me that he was proud of himself because he didn't almost kill us again-see overdramatic :) Keep your fingers crossed for me this weekend-We are getting out again. Good Luck to all of you that are in my same situation :) It does get better.
I have a few projects that I plan on working on this weekend. I am going to get my magazine purse done (hopefully), fix the hem on a few pairs of pants, crochet another hat and hopefully get a chance to go thru all of my photos and memory cards and get that totally organized. Other than that I have no plans-YIPPEE!!!! No leaving the house and no one coming over :)
One last thing-(I know totally random) I LOVE the way that Damon pulled Mason's heart out of his chest last night on Vampire Diaries and I almost liked Stephan at the end when he was teary eyed :)
Anyways-Ta Ta for now!
Have a great weekend-I totally plan on it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Life as a part-time creator

I am sure many of you have noticed that I have not been posting like I should. What can I say? I have been incredibly lazy lately and not feeling the creative bug. I always go through dry spells and this one seems to be a long one. I am hopeful that I will pick back up soon and start crafting and creating again.

That being said...

I was at my sis's house this past weekend and she has been learning to crochet. Now, I know one crochet stitch and I am proud of her for learning something new (and to be honest, a little jealous). While we were talking crochet she showed me an awesome pumpkin a friend of hers made that is so soft and vibrant. That little pumpkin made me want to find that yarn and crochet the one stitch I know. My thanks goes out to the friend cause I did find the yarn and last night I started working on my own afghan (is that right??). I think the stitch I know is called the double crochet, but I am not sure. Anywhos, here is a photo of what I have so far. I am using two yarns because I love soft blues and pinky reds together. I hope you enjoy and sorry for my absence.

Monday, October 11, 2010

hey, hey, HEY!!!

Ugh-The beginning of a new week. This was a FAST weekend. Friday we went to the in-laws and stayed the night, which was pretty nice. Saturday we got up and went to the Renaissance Festival. This year we decided to bring the kids. I think they had fun maybe the first 2 hours that we were there. We spent the whole time trying to entertain them and spent a fortune in the process. After awhile it was just too hot and miserable so we ended up leaving.
Last year we left the kids at my moms and things just seemed to flow better, and we went in November so it was nowhere near as hot. Hopefully we will remember all of this if we plan for next year.

I think this was the boys favorite part of the day :)

Thombo agreed to get his face painted only if I agreed to get mine painted too. Poor kid when he tried washing it off later he scrubbed way too hard and ended up all red and puffy.

We decided to dress-up this year-It was a lot of FUN but it was miserable HOT. I think jeans would have been more comfortable.

Then the entertainment-Some more interesting than others. Yes the men are covered in mud-they ate it too-that was enough for me to decide it was time to move on to the next thing. YUCK!
Here we are in our face painted glory :)

On Sunday-I woke up at 7:30 and anyone that knows me-knows that is a rare and strange thing for me. I didn't feel good so I sat around until about 9:30 and then all of a sudden I got a serious energy boost. So we went on a cleaning/rearranging spree. I think that is why I am so tired and BLAH today.
Anyway-The shelf is up and my craft corner is now clean and organized (FINALLY)!!! So now no more excuses-I now know where everything is :)
Here is the before picture: ----------------------------And here is the after: Much Better :)

While cleaning I came across this:
My two older boys made this when they were small-It is amazing to me how much imagination kids have-I wish some of it would rub off on me :) I love finding things from when they were small-It is nice to take a stroll down memory lane.
Have a great week :) And from the words of my 14 year old-Do Something CRAZY!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday, I'm in love!!!

We have made it through yet another week. This has been a slow one for me. My 9 year old who is always wishing for Friday-came to me on Wednesday and was like wow mom this has been a really fast week it is already Wednesday and all I could think at that time was-UGH it's only Wednesday. Isn't it crazy how two people can look at the same exact thing and have total opposite feelings about it?
My oldest started drivers ed this week-I can not believe that he is even old enough for that already-or that I am old enough to have a son that is old enough :) (that was a mouthful) I realize that the older he gets, the older I get-But for some reason I still feel like a kid majority of the time.
We are going to The Renaissance Festival tomorrow. We went last year and had a blast. This year we are dressing up and bringing the kids so that should be for an interesting time. On Sunday I hope to get crafty like I did last weekend. I have found a lot of really cool things that I would really like to make.
Have a great weekend!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

The start of a new week :)

Happy Monday!!! I feel so much better today than I did last week. For some reason my allergies have been kicking my butt for the last two weeks. So I am enjoying the relief while it lasts :)
I had a great weekend!!! We had family in from out of state-Which was really great. I think it has been about 8 years since the last time that I had seen them.
I think the no challenge weekend-Really motivated me to get crafty :)
On Friday I went to a friends house and she taught me how to make this hat-
I finished it yesterday and I love the way that it turned out. So I am going to go find some more yarn and make another one.
I started making this a few weeks ago but never got around to finishing it-But I finally did yesterday :) He wanted a Haunted Camo Bunny with 5 legs-I think it turned out cute and he was very excited about it.

I wove this awhile back-I want to make a purse out of it but I can't decide exactly how I want it to be. I really like the way that it looks and I think that it would make an awesome bag-But I keep coming up with different ideas and can't decide on one. Maybe I will just weave another mat and make two-then I don't have to pick just one :)

I just finished the third book in The Mortal Instrument series-I enjoyed it very much and would highly recommend it to anyone-And great news I just read that there will be three more books added :) Totally gives me something to look forward to-UGH I hate waiting, I am not a very patient person :)
I hope everyone had as good of a weekend as I did-I got plenty of rest and relaxation. And I actually got all of my laundry done and hung :) Maybe that means that this will be a GREAT week. One can only hope-right?
Until next time :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

:) Hello :)

Happy Friday!!! Ok so we have decided to start doing things alittle bit different on here. We originally started this as a way for us to get motivated to be creative, but instead I think that we have blocked our creative juices from flowing. So now instead of a set challenge every week-lets face it life is busy, we will use this to talk and share about whatever we want. So instead of challenging each other we will start challenging ourselves. If we do something creative or awesome along the way we will definitely share. And every so often we will put in a challenge or two for each other to do.
I hope this doesn't completely bore and chase off the few readers that we do have. I promise we will still try to make it as interesting as possible and we will post atleast once a week for sure-sometimes more depending on what is going on with us.
I have been reading a few blogs that I thought I would share: this girl is amazing! She sews/makes something everyday and only spends $1.00. WOW- I have a hard enough time trying to do something once a week (and I pick easy stuff) :( But I will use the excuse that I have 3 kids, a full time job and I am about to start back to school.
The other blog that I really like is: This one posts about once every week or two but she really puts a lot into what she does so it takes her more time to complete.
These two women really inspire me, the dedication that they have-maybe one day, that will be me as well.
Have a great weekend!! Do something FUN!! I will be hanging with the fam. I have an uncle visiting that I haven't seen in about 8 years and my sister and her hubby are coming to visit-So it should be great fun.
Talk to you all next week!!!