Friday, October 29, 2010


Happy Halloween-2 days early :) !! We have made it to Friday-YAAAA!!!! I must really be a glutten for punishment or I am just a big oh whimp. I decided for some crazy reason that I wanted to go back to school and so I started back this week. I have no idea what I was thinking-Yes, education is great and it would be awesome to make more money but I am starting to feel alittle overwhelmed. I do not know why I thought I could handle a full time job, 3 kids, teaching one of them driver's ed and take a course. Ok maybe I am just wanting to whine a bit. I do feel like I have a lot going on right now and I may go crazy trying but I know that I can handle it. After all I am not a quiter-Atleast that is what I am trying to tell myself :)
Anyways-Enough of my whining:)
I love Halloween-It is always so exciting to me to see all of the creative costumes that people come up with. This year my oldest is the only one that has really mentioned a costume idea, and that kind of makes me sad :( My youngest said that he will dress up in whatever I want him to-So maybe we can get alittle creative with it. We shall see-I will take some pictures of what we end up with. We usually go to the town's get together so the kids can hang out and see their friends. When they were younger (and I was a stay at home mom) I used to plan a sort of family party and that would be our halloween. We would carve pumpkins, eat junk food and watch scary movies. They would get all dressed up and run between our house and their grandparents. Sometimes I really miss days like that-we didn't have to leave the house and we would have a blast.
Have a great weekend-and a happy and safe HALLOWEEN!!!!

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