Monday, November 15, 2010

So starts another week

Happy day everyone! I don't really have a bunch to share today-Just wanted to say Hello. I have been off of work for the last 4 days. It was a nice break but at the same time it didn't feel like I really had any time off. I spent the first two days doing school work and the last two days just flew by.
I did win my first video game this weekend-that was very exciting :) I have three boys so I have had many years of video game playing and well I totally suck. So usually anytime that I actually do play they spend the whole time giving me a pep talk. I think that they are scared that I will quit playing if they actually come out and say how bad I really am-Like I don't already know- I mean come on I lose everytime. Anyways-we were playing Wii sports on Saturday night and we were bowling. It took me alittle while-But I did it :) Only once but still. They were all shocked and I think alittle scared :) They way they all reacted you would think that I had found the cure for cancer or something else truely amazing.
Anywho-Have a great week!

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