Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yes we are still Alive :)

First things first-I know that we totally suck at this whole blogging thing and for that I want to say sorry :) Sometimes there just isn't any motivation or time. And at other times life is just so darn BORING that we just can't see the point in sharing and boring everyone else to tears.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! I hope everyone had a HAPPY and SAFE holiday. Mine was great- I had two weeks off!! I didn't really accomplish as much as I had hoped, but I did get to spend time with my AWESOME boys so I am not complaining :) For those of you that actually know me-know that I am more of an idea person than a doer anyway (one of my many flaws).

I made Christmas dinner this year-My very first time in my whole entire life and it actually turned out :) I LOVE it when things go the way that they are supposed to. I did cheat alittle-we bought a precooked Turkey and Ham so we only had to cook them for 2 hours instead of the normal 6-8 hours. But they were soooo good. We had ham, turkey, cheesy broccoli w/ rice, green bean casserole, salad, rolls, potato salad, dressing, cheescake, key lime pie, and two pecan pies.
Here are my new Christmas dishes that I bought last year, I was so excited to get to use them!!!!

Christmas Eve we made a ton of cookies. My youngest refuses to believe that there is no Santa so he always leaves a plate of cookies. See the santa hat? That is his sleeping cap now-It is so funny when I go check on him and he is fast asleep with that hat pulled down over his eyes. Kids are so FUNNY sometimes :) The gingerbread house was a lot of fun but talk about a crazy mess everywhere.

A day of painting:

Here are my few attempts at crocheting. The hats are really easy and don't take long to make too bad I can't figure out how to make the right size. I either make them too small or too big-I guess I will have to keep practicing. I want to learn how to make gloves-Maybe that will be next?

Since I had two weeks off I decided to get alittle wild-So what do you think-Is pink my color?

New Years we had a blast. We stayed home and played games and shot off fireworks and stayed up way too LATE!!
Anyways-The holidays were great!!! Hopefully everyone else had as much fun as I did. 2010 was a good year-fingers crossed that 2011 will be even better! Maybe with the new year we can do better with this whole blog thing-Who knows? But knowing us probably not :)
Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Years to you and yours as well! I LUFF the pink hair, seriously! As far as the artwork is concerned, however, your Pollockian (Jackson Pollock) rendition doesn't leave me breathless. I guess it's okay if you're an abstract art fan though, which I'm not.
