Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Late posts
Until then everyone have a great rest of the week-I know I will (fingers crossed)
Okay, so I found #1 and apparently there has been sickness at her house so she is unable to blog. This is unfortunate because I really wanted to see how her challenge results turned out. Oh well, I guess we will have to wait until the sickness passes to see what great creative awesomeness #1 produces.
Ahhh... The anticipation builds.... Almost too much to bear.
I hope you feel better soon sister. I miss you : (
Monday, March 29, 2010
Challenge #3 results
Well I am back after a long (yet surprisingly short) weekend. This is #2 by the way. You would think that I would have had oodles of time to work on the weekend's challenge since my husband was gone for 4 days playing in the mud. Yes, my house is like Neverland. Neither one of us will ever grow up, but I digress. When #1 told me what the weekend challenge was I got all sorts of ideas on how I was going to rock this challenge. Unfortunately that didnt happen. Smoke is hard when you don't smoke or burn incense and trying to sum up yourself in a photo is impossible. Especially when you are rockin awesome like me and my sister are.
Onto my results. We will tackle smoke first since that is the first picture in my post. I already mentioned that I dont smoke or burn incense so naturally I went to candles to find smoke. Now apparently candles don't smoke anymore. I guess people dying at 45 years old from lung disorders made the candle peeps re-think their products. I had to be quick and snap away right after blowing the candle out. I am not super happy with my results, but I didn't want anyone thinking I was a slacker so I posted my best shot here. I used Photoshop to make my subject more appealing. I hope you don't think that is cheating because it isn't you stinkin' hippocrites!
Ahem! Excuse me.. I dont know where that came from.
Next we had the photo about ourself. I thought of all sorts of things I could photograph but nothing seemed really picture worthy. I tried books and my Carol Burnett "action figure" (she is not a doll) but they didn't seem to set the mood I was going for. Then, after both of my camera batteries died, I went into the living room to plug in my battery and re-think my strategy. While I was waiting for my battery to charge I turned on my favorite lamp and it hit me. This lamp would be fun to play around with and I think it kinda describes myself. This lamp is pretty, colorful, whimsical, artsy and my fav so it became my subject. After my battery charged I went to work and discovered that it looked best if I shut off all the lights and let the lamp lights shine through. This is what I ended up with. I hope you all like it.
Now, I am wondering where my sis is. It is 5 minutes til and I dont see I post from her. I will go round her up and see how she did.
Friday, March 26, 2010
New weekend=New Challenge!!!
Well, enough of my mindless dribble onto the CHALLENGES (drum roll please)!
Topic #1-Smoke-This one should be really easy to do and should really "spark" the imagination (i know terrible pun) So lets try to really get creative with this one and go all out.
Topic #2-A picture that describes you-This can be of anything and everything, your favorites, your likes, dislikes whatever comes to mind. And just for fun add a brief story that explains the picture(s). I am hoping that this topic will show more of our personality and help everyone get to know us better.
So pull out the cameras and put on your creative caps, lets get out and get moving. And as always post between 7:00 PM Sunday -10:00 AM Monday.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend-Until Monday.
Sister #1
Monday, March 22, 2010
Partially completed
Yeah!! I completed it
about a tablespoon of lemon juice
Now you have a quick tasty treat that everyone in your house is sure to love.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Purple Desserts
Calm down, calm down...
I know everyone is gearing up for the weekend but put your Solitaire game on hold for a minute and listen up because this weekend's challenge is going to be more involved than usual. The color should be an easy one since Spring has cometh, but the topic will be a bit more challenging. On the plus side it should make your husband love you even more.
This weekend's challege is purple and desserts. So.. Go home, strap on that apron and get cooking. You have to be quick though. We need a picture before husbands, kids and neighbors mysteriously pop in to see what you've been up to. Pesky husbands, kids and neighors.
You know the rules. No posting before Sunday evening at 7 and no later than Monday morning at 10. Good luck!
Sister # 2
Monday, March 15, 2010
Weekend Challenge Complete ? Yes or No
Monday morning at 8:00. Wow, Daily Savings Time and I am tired. Oh well more light in the evening so it is worth it. My weekend was busy cleaning and moving, it went by way too fast. This week is spring break so thank goodness it will be a short week. Now onto the weekend challenge, I completed green and smile. I was going to get commute on my way to work this morning but forgot, I will just blame that on the time change :). Here is the link to my flickr account www.flickr.com/photos/lmmcgough/ so please go by and check it out when you get a chance. Now I will patiently wait and see what my sister comes up with- Knowing her she got all three and totally beat me this round.
Until next time-Moore Sister #1
Friday, March 12, 2010
The start of something great
Moore sister #1 and I are trying to encourage our creative juices to flow. Because of this we are going to start giving ourselves creative challenges and critique the stuffing out of each other until one of us is in a ball on the floor bawling. Hopefully by forcing ourselves outside to be artsy we will find hidden stores of creative awesomeness we didn't know we had. And we fully expect this blog to become so wicked popular that Ellen hears about us and demands we appear on her show.
Challenge #1 (which we are completely ripping off another site until we are ingenious enough to come up with our own) - Smile, Commute, Green
Take photos using one (or more) of the specified topics listed above. Photos must be taken between post time and Sunday at 7pm. Photos must be uploaded to Flickr between Sunday at 7pm and Monday at 10am. No early birds, no late sleepers!
This is Moore Sister #1
I totally see Ellen calling us-if I could only think of something witty to talk about. Oh-well you did a great start for us on our first post. I would so really love to be wicked popular. Can't wait to see what we come up with. What totally sucks for me is I can feel a creative block coming on. Smile, Commute, Green that seems easy enough. I guess that means that I can't be lazy this weekend-I have to actually get up and do something. Until Monday-Hooray!!