Monday, March 29, 2010

Challenge #3 results

Well I am back after a long (yet surprisingly short) weekend. This is #2 by the way. You would think that I would have had oodles of time to work on the weekend's challenge since my husband was gone for 4 days playing in the mud. Yes, my house is like Neverland. Neither one of us will ever grow up, but I digress. When #1 told me what the weekend challenge was I got all sorts of ideas on how I was going to rock this challenge. Unfortunately that didnt happen. Smoke is hard when you don't smoke or burn incense and trying to sum up yourself in a photo is impossible. Especially when you are rockin awesome like me and my sister are.

Onto my results. We will tackle smoke first since that is the first picture in my post. I already mentioned that I dont smoke or burn incense so naturally I went to candles to find smoke. Now apparently candles don't smoke anymore. I guess people dying at 45 years old from lung disorders made the candle peeps re-think their products. I had to be quick and snap away right after blowing the candle out. I am not super happy with my results, but I didn't want anyone thinking I was a slacker so I posted my best shot here. I used Photoshop to make my subject more appealing. I hope you don't think that is cheating because it isn't you stinkin' hippocrites!

Ahem! Excuse me.. I dont know where that came from.

Next we had the photo about ourself. I thought of all sorts of things I could photograph but nothing seemed really picture worthy. I tried books and my Carol Burnett "action figure" (she is not a doll) but they didn't seem to set the mood I was going for. Then, after both of my camera batteries died, I went into the living room to plug in my battery and re-think my strategy. While I was waiting for my battery to charge I turned on my favorite lamp and it hit me. This lamp would be fun to play around with and I think it kinda describes myself. This lamp is pretty, colorful, whimsical, artsy and my fav so it became my subject. After my battery charged I went to work and discovered that it looked best if I shut off all the lights and let the lamp lights shine through. This is what I ended up with. I hope you all like it.

In retrospect I probably should have turned the lamp so it was facing me directly instead of angled, but too little too late.

Now, I am wondering where my sis is. It is 5 minutes til and I dont see I post from her. I will go round her up and see how she did.


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