Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy Monday??

I am having a really hard time getting motivated this morning. It took me forever to get up and I have been kind of in a bad mood since. But enough on that because I know that noone wants my negativity. So I will be positive from here on-
My weekend was pretty good. Friday I went and had a mani/pedi and went to lunch with friends. It was very nice.
The pedi was AWESOME!!

Saturday, I went and met my sister. We went to this really cool bead store and I bought a bunch of beads for really cheap so that was great. Then we just fiddled around, it was nice to get out of the house for a bit. On the way home I dropped my youngest off at his grandparents for the week. It is always so quiet when he is gone. I miss him like crazy already.
On my way home I took these lovely pictures.
I saw this really pretty sunflower field with tons of beautiful flowers in it.

I took this one while going down the road and hanging out the window. I really love the color in it.

Here is the brownie cake that my boys made me for my birthday. Aside from the wax that melted all over it from the candles it was really good.

Hope everyone is having a better morning than I am :) have a great week-talk to you all later.

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