Friday, June 4, 2010

Hello ALL!!

Hello! Another week ends and another weekend begins. I hope to do almost absolutely nothing this weekend. If I can make it through with doing as little as possible I will be one happy girl :) Maybe I will read a book or watch a movie-Who knows? Anyone have any movies or books that they can recommend? The best movie I have seen lately was Daybreakers, and I really loved that movie. I saw Dear John and thought it was an okay movie-The fact that it had Channing Tatum in it gave it a few extra points. I recently watched Season 2 of Trueblood on DVD-In my opinion this show is AWESOME and the books that it came from. If you haven't read or watched, I strongly recommend.

Ok so the challenges for the weekend-Are we all ready for this??
Challenge #1-Bubbles
Challenge #2-Fences
These can be as easy and simple or as creative and planned out as you want them. I think it is going to be really HOT this weekend here so we shall see what level of motivation I end up at. I will definitely get started on the pillowcases that we are making (I can do that in the AC-Thank goodness).
Have a great weekend!!!
Until Monday #1

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