Monday, August 30, 2010


First things first-Happy Monday!!!! Did everyone have a great weekend? Mine was pretty good. I tried to do as little as possible.
Last weeks pictures were easy to do this week-The clouds were beautiful!!

And this little evil most horrible creature was found in my hallway. This is the 6th one we have found in 4 months. Everyone says it is because we are in a new house and that eventually we won't have them, one can only hope-Ugh I hate these things. Gotta love Texas-Eck I have the creepys just looking at this picture-So here you are:

Moving on :) This week was pretty easy to complete :) I totally wanted to make sure that I was not a slacker this time around. So I made a point to be productive this weekend. I completed the picture challenge, decided on the craft that I AM going to make, got myself organized (my closet included), completed my financial aid, and cleaned. I am feeling pretty good about myself :)
In my opinion though, these are kind of crap but I love the one with my youngest and his mouth full:)

Have a great week!!!!

Playing catch-up

Morning guys! Sorry it has been so long since I have posted. I tried really hard last weekend (a week ago) to find pictures of clouds but there was not a single one in the sky. I kept watch out all week, but still no clouds. I didn't actively seek out bugs but I will usually come across a spider or two over the weekend. I didn't have a single one this whole week. I am not complaining though. This past weekend was a different cloud story though. The sky was full of awesome puffy goodness. I was scared at first because Saturday had fabulous clouds, but I didn't have my camera with me. We spent all day at a couples bridal shower (making gagging sounds). Fortunately, Sunday was no disappointment. There was an abundance of clouds making a wonderful photo opportunity.
While I was out snapping away at the clouds I came across this little guy. He has made a nest in my garden so he won't be around much longer, but I decided to capture his picture before I sic my husband on him.
Lastly, we had the current challenge. I didn't cook any food so I didn't take any pictures of food. I know, I am a crappy wife. I just wasn't feeling the cooking bug. I was feeling the sit on the couch and watch Criminal Minds re-runs bug. I did take a picture of my mani-pedi from Friday so that counts as hands (and toes).
I hope you enjoy my pictures. I cannot wait to see what my sis took since we made a pact to make up for last week no matter what.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Ok-So I know that we totally suck this week. In my defense it was the first week of school for my kiddos and it has been alittle crazy. This week has gone by really FAST too-which is pretty impressive considering all of the craziness. The boys had a great first week-Fingers crossed that they will have a great year!!!
For the weekend we have decided that we WILL definitely do last weeks project this week and still do this week's too. Just alittle bit of cheating though-this week's will be VERY easy :0.
Our weekend challenges:
1. Bugs/Insects
2. Clouds
3. Hands
4. Food
I was hoping that I would get away with being lazy this weekend and not have to go anywhere. Oh NO that will not happen-I was informed yesterday that I will be driving kids to the school @ 6:30 Saturday morning for a Tennis match-YIPPEE. So NO sleeping in for me:( Maybe Sunday:/
Anywho-Have a great weekend!!! Totally expect results this week!!
Until Monday!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bugs and Clouds

Happy Friday!!! I hope everyone had a great week. Mine wasn't too shabby :) This is the last weekend of Summer for my boys. Monday is the first day of school. Why oh why does the Summer disappear so FAST!!!? I hated it when I was a kid and still hate it as an adult. But I guess that is the way things are-FUN always feels like a second and Misery always feels like forever.
My two older boys are excited and ready to get back to friends. They both will be in High School this year. WOW they grow up so fast-Which is weird because I really don't feel like I am getting older (ok maybe alittle). My youngest had much rather sit around the house relaxing (much like his mom), and he doesn't really care for school much. He will be at a new school this year so maybe he will find some excitement and joy for learning.
Anyways-For our weekend challenges (drum roll please-Just Kidding)
#1-Bugs/Insects-This should be LOADS of fun since I really HATE them all. I don't not care what kind they are I do not want to see them or be near them.
#2-Clouds-Hopefully it will be sunny this weekend and the clouds will be nice and fluffy.
That is all for now-Have a great weekend!!! Talk to you all on Monday!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Self portraits

I am SO sorry. I didn't do the challenge when I was supposed to. However, I did do it today so I am still posting my results. Because I was at work when I took my self portrait I thought it best to also edit them on the computer. I don't look my bestest at work since I am not a morning person. My perfect shift is a late shift. Unfortunately my work doesn't offer those.
I did get 2 of the 4 quilt blocks finished. I will post pictures when I have finished the other two. I am behind since July was such a busy month for me. Have no fear - I have faith that I will get the other two completed on time.

Oops! I am a day LATE! Shame on me!

Happy Tuesday!!!
I realize I am a day late :( I have no real excuse so I will apologize and move on :) Ok-we were supposed to do a self portrait and a digitally enhanced photo. So I took some silly pictures and then played around with them. I think they look creepy but that was kind of the look that I was going for-So enjoy!! The last one reminds me of The Blair Witch Project.

I watched a really good movie last night-She's Out of My League. I thought it was really sweet and freaking hilarious. It has one of the guys from Knocked Up-which by the way was a really good movie too. This movie is funny in the same way. Gotta love toilet humor :) Either it is really funny or really stupid. Of course funny is always better :)
This is the last week before the kids go back to school. Ugh-Summer was way too short this year!!
Have a great week!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Awesome Sunrise

The sunrise this morning was amazing. It is a shame the low lying fog didn't show up better, but it is hard to capture moments like this on film. I thought I would share the pictures anyway.

My sister took the day off so I guess that means the weekend challenge is up to me. I don't really know what to pick since it seems we have photographed everything.... Two things I have been thinking about lately are self portraits and digitally enhanced photos. I would like to do those for our weekend challenge. Take a photo of yourself and get creative with the computer. You can do two separate photos or combine them into one. It is your choice.

As for my block of the month quilting - I am a month behind but I started working on it a couple of days ago. I have four blocks to complete before Sept 1. I hope I get them done. I will post pictures when I have them finished.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Camping Pictures

Finally! I apologize, but I have been having computer issues for almost a week and it is hard to do hobby stuff when your IT guy is sitting at your computer.

In case you didn't read my sis's post - We all went camping this past weekend. I love camping, but the part of my sister that likes camping is very, very small so I can only bring it out about once a year. I had a really good time hanging out with my family without TVs and cell phones. I think they had fun too. The first thing I took pictures of was the guys' fishing lures. I am not a big fisherperson but I do like the different fishing lures used.

The guys went fishing while my sis and I watched. It is a little difficult to take a picture of guys fishing without it looking like they are using the bathroom. This is my fav of all the fishing shots. It is my hubby with his sister and her fiance.

While I was resting my middle nephew got a hold of my camera. I am not posting all the pictures he took because he was taking "blackmail" photos. They aren't indecent, but they are awful. Man! This kid cracks me up.

Lastly are the BBQ pics. My hubby BBQ'd while we watched and waited and took random pictures.

In the end we all had a really good weekend. I love my fam-damly!

I made it!!!

Surprise-Surprise I survived the weekend camping trip :) It was actually a lot of fun and the heat wasn't too horribly bad. Don't get me wrong it was HOT but it totally could have been worse.
Here is where we stayed-we had two screened shelters next to each other with a picnic table and grill inbetween. The tent is where the boys stayed. They loved it because they had their own space and their own tornado fan. The spider we found up high outside-Ironically two days before I learned that this is a Zipper spider, I had never heard of them or seen them and then as soon as I learn about it we find two really big creepy looking ones. UGH-You just have to LOVE the outdoors :)

Everyone had a blast swimming-The lake was down the hill and I was scared that with my bad ankle I would never make it down or back up. So I spent majority of the time in a chair at the top snapping pictures. I did finally after awhile decide to go down and I was right it was kind of hard to get back up so needless to say I didn't try that again :0

We saw this really cute couple in matching outfits rowing a boat-I thought it was AWESOME so I had to get a picture of it.
On Saturday the parents came out for a bit and this fan is WONDERFUL-Even in 100 and whatever degree weather it kept us from being too miserable. We had one on each side of us in the shade. We had quite the set up :)

The boys tried fishing-But the only thing that they caught was the heat from the sun.
AWWWW-relaxation at the end of the day. They are playing Redneck Life, it is a pretty funny game, you should check it out. The person with the most teeth at the end wins :)

Well-I hope everyone had a good weekend. Happy Monday to you all. I also hope that everyone has a great week.
Take care!!
Until next time,

Friday, August 6, 2010

We are going CAMPING!!!!!

Happy Friday!!! I hope we all had a great week. I have been kind of grouchy but that is okay we have finally reached the end. We are going camping for the weekend. Hopefully it will be fun-I am not much of the outdoorsy type. We are spending two nights in the horrible Texas heat-Hopefully I will survive :) It will be my family and my sister's family so it should be a really good time.
For our weekend pictures we have decided to go with the great outdoors since we will be out in it. So hopefully I do not forget the camera.
Well-I just realized that I have been walking around with a big blue ink spot on my boob all morning-How embarassing!! Just thought I would share so you can have a good laugh at my expense :)
Have a great weekend!!! Get out and have some FUN!!! Life is short so enjoy it as much as you can!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm Blacking (Blog+Slacking)

I'm sorry! I was just reading through our blog and I realized my sis has posted a dozen times more than I have. Oh man. I was off last week and for some reason I haven't been taking my camera with me places. If you read my sis's blog then you know that her boys were at my house last week. We had a really good time and I am kicking myself for not capturing pictures of them roller skating, bowling, and black light mini-golfing. I did capture a few pictures of them riding carnival-esque rides with my picture phone. I am sorting them now so please wait a moment while I organize them........

Thank you for your patience. Just a few more moments.........
Whew! That took forever! I finally have them uploaded. One of the days we spent bowling and I am not a good bowler as you can clearly read.
Another day we went to Kemah, TX. This was a comical day watching them ride the rides.
I think this ride was the best one of all. They decided to ride a kiddie ride since there was no line.