Friday, August 13, 2010

Awesome Sunrise

The sunrise this morning was amazing. It is a shame the low lying fog didn't show up better, but it is hard to capture moments like this on film. I thought I would share the pictures anyway.

My sister took the day off so I guess that means the weekend challenge is up to me. I don't really know what to pick since it seems we have photographed everything.... Two things I have been thinking about lately are self portraits and digitally enhanced photos. I would like to do those for our weekend challenge. Take a photo of yourself and get creative with the computer. You can do two separate photos or combine them into one. It is your choice.

As for my block of the month quilting - I am a month behind but I started working on it a couple of days ago. I have four blocks to complete before Sept 1. I hope I get them done. I will post pictures when I have them finished.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

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