Friday, August 20, 2010

Bugs and Clouds

Happy Friday!!! I hope everyone had a great week. Mine wasn't too shabby :) This is the last weekend of Summer for my boys. Monday is the first day of school. Why oh why does the Summer disappear so FAST!!!? I hated it when I was a kid and still hate it as an adult. But I guess that is the way things are-FUN always feels like a second and Misery always feels like forever.
My two older boys are excited and ready to get back to friends. They both will be in High School this year. WOW they grow up so fast-Which is weird because I really don't feel like I am getting older (ok maybe alittle). My youngest had much rather sit around the house relaxing (much like his mom), and he doesn't really care for school much. He will be at a new school this year so maybe he will find some excitement and joy for learning.
Anyways-For our weekend challenges (drum roll please-Just Kidding)
#1-Bugs/Insects-This should be LOADS of fun since I really HATE them all. I don't not care what kind they are I do not want to see them or be near them.
#2-Clouds-Hopefully it will be sunny this weekend and the clouds will be nice and fluffy.
That is all for now-Have a great weekend!!! Talk to you all on Monday!

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